Advocacy Partners

New York Farm Bureau Agricultural Alliance

Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, volunteer organization financed and controlled by member families for the purpose of solving economic and public policy issues challenging the agricultural industry. Farm Bureau‘s "grassroots" policy development process continues to ensure that the organization represents the majority position of its membership. Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, volunteer organization financed and controlled by member families for the purpose of solving economic and public policy issues challenging the agricultural industry.

NYFB's Public Policy Division is the lobbying arm of the organization, providing support to members and the organization on legislative and regulatory issues on the state and national level. The division pursues the priorities set each year by the NYFB Board of Directors and uses the policy developed by members at the State Annual Meeting as a guide.

NYSNLA strongly encourages our grower members to join Farm Bureau. The strength of this alliance depends on all of us.


EmpireCOAEmpire State Council of Agricultural Organizations

The Empire State Council of Agricultural Organizations is an association of more than two dozen agricultural groups representing the majority of production and agribusiness organizations in New York state.


New York Alliance for Environmental Concerns

NYAFEC is a nonprofit organization comprised of Green Industry associations whose combined efforts are dedicated to educating lawmakers, policymakers and the public, while promoting the many benefits derived from environmental horticulture in New York. Collectively, its member organizations represent approximately 4,000 green industry professionals.


newyorkstatelogoNew York State

NYSNLA enjoys excellent working relationships with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Agriculture and Markets. We have worked closely with both departments on developing the implementation process for the Invasive Species Regulation that took effect in 2015. We continue to work together to ensure the health of our environment and the green industry in New York.